Electronics is the branch of
physics that deals with the
emission and effects of
electrons in different condition
(media and vacuum) .
Electronics Engineering deals
with electronics devices
and behaviour.
Electronics took birth in 1897
when a vacuum diode was developed by J.A.FLEMING. But the real beginning was made in 1906 when LEE DE Forest developed the vacuum triode. where as Transistor was developed by three
nobel laureates - John bardeen , Walter brattain and William shockley at Bell lab in 1948.
since the time electronics advance much .IC (integrated circuits) , SSI (small scale
integrated circuits) , MSI ( medium scale integrated circuits) , LSI (large scale
integrated circuits ), VLSI (very large scale integrated circuits) has been
developed and still electronics advanced regularly.
1) Industrial Application
electronics used in door openers , dc drives to run DC motors , AC drive to run ac
motors ,CNC (COMPUTER NUMERICAL CONTROL) machines Used to
control thickness , cutting of a job ,etc.
2) Defence Application
For communication system such as RADAR (RADIO DETECTION AND RANGING) ,
SONAR (sound navigation and ranging ) etc.
3) Medical Science
Xray , ECG (electrocardiograph) , oscilloscope etc
4) Automobiles
Measuring gauges , electronic ignition , battery charging etc,
At all there are so many applications of electronics , in today, s Life is difficult without